Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Best Year Of Riders Life - 1923 Words
It’s been a year since Rider and his family moved to Japan and it has been the best year of Rider’s life not only did he make friends with cool people, but also has an awesome girlfriend in Shiho. Also, during the year, the almost the entire Hashimoto Clan moved to Japan since half of them were killed in the war. His aunts and uncles as well his cousins moved to Japan. Now his senior of high school Rider is this close to reaching his dream. Right now Rider and his cousins are on their way to school. â€Å"So Rider this is your final year of high school are you going to miss it?†his cousin Sachi asked. Sachi Hashimoto is 14 years old she has black hair and violet slitted eyes, and she had yet to grown in her fangs. She was wearing the†¦show more content†¦Rider was at his locker and someone decided to surprise him. Placing their hands over his eyes the person said, â€Å"guess who?†â€Å"Hmm let me guess it’s the girl who keeps this smile on my face and she’s very beautiful. She happens to be my girlfriend Shiho,†Rider said as he turned around to face Shiho. They greeted each other with a kiss as they headed to class. â€Å"I can’t believe it’s our senior year I’m really going to miss everybody,†Shiho said. â€Å"Yeah. Shiho there’s something I have to talk to you about can you meet me in the parking lot after school?†Rider asked. â€Å"Yeah sure I’ll come right after swim practic e,†Shiho said. Rider and Shiho bid each other farewell as they headed to their classes. Later on, in the day, Rider was waiting outside the parking lot waiting for Shiho to show up. The twins were at the school’s track field running a couple tracks. Shiho appeared right in front of Rider and waited for him to begin. â€Å"You know how we ‘re about to graduate right?†Rider asked. Shiho nodded her head and Rider continued, â€Å"you see the thing is I’m heading back to my home world this summer,†Rider said. Shiho was saddened to hear that as she feared the worse. â€Å"Are you going to break up with me?†Shiho asked. Rider was surprised when she asked that question. â€Å"No no no I’m not going to break up with you,†Rider said. Shiho sighed in relief as Rider continued, â€Å"the problem is in order for me to return to my
Tuesday, December 17, 2019
In Favor of Regulating Media Violence Essay - 965 Words
Media Controversy With the nations violence rate increasing over the past few years, one must ask, why? Harold Lasswell formulated the core of questions of content analysis: Who says what, to whom, why, and to what extent and with what effect? The issue of media content has become an increasingly popular, as well as controversial, topic. There have been many concerns from parents regarding exposure of their children to inappropriate themes in the media. An overall increase of violence and crime in America suggests that the children are being exposed to violence too early, allowing them to become comfortable in seeing and ultimately portraying violence. Prolonged exposure to such media portrayals results in†¦show more content†¦In addition, high rated movies and games were found to be easily accessed by under-aged children. Furthermore, different ratings systems for each medium (television, movies, music, and video games) make the ratings confusing, because they have little similarity or relat ionship to one another. One point of concern in the media relates specifically to the music industry. Recently, many new artists have made their debut with a new genre called ?rap?, which portrays the life of gangsters and ultimately, violence. This new genre has become increasingly popular and many children are led to believe that a life of violence is ?hip? and ?cool?. This could also explain the increased gang related activity over the past few years. Parents have been concerned about the fact that they dont write songs like they used to. When asked about the issue, one rapper said: Being from the hood, neighborhood, I can tell you that violence didnt start from a cassette that might have been popped into a home or car stereo system.? While the fact that violence did not start from music might be true, it does not help the situation any further. If anything, it advocates violence and portrays it as something honorable to the children. As a result of many complaints, record industries have agreed to a ?parental advisory: explicitShow MoreRelated Censorship in American Schools Essay1156 Words  | 5 Pagesknowledge and education from school, so the information that is allowed to be taught is a very delicate and controversial issue. Literature is often altered or banned from public schools and libraries because they contain of vulgar language, ex cessive violence, or connotations of drugs and sex. The reasoning behind this is that these are potentially dangerous ideas, and if children were to be exposed to them that they would be corrupted and manipulated by them. 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Monday, December 9, 2019
Reflective Report Conducting and Literature †
Question: Discuss about the Reflective Report Conducting and Literature. Answer: Introduction: In the past two assignments, I have worked on the issue of cyber security within the business practices. This issue has been prevalent in the contemporary business practices. The advanced technology in the recent times has acted as both a blessing and a bad fortune at the same time for the organizations. While researching about this very topic, I had identified few things. While conducting the literature review, I had consulted several books and journals regarding the project, where I had found out that the majority of the risk parts are due to technological issues, therefore the cyber security has been a major issue for the businesses as this causes several significant attacks on the privacy of the business through network abusing or any malicious attacks. From the research, I had found out about the possible attacks that can affect not only the business, but the individuals as well. I had identified the possible loopholes which can be affected by the cyber criminals and how they ca n hamper an individuals life as well. My experience is quite valuable as I can ensure that my individual life is not hampered and I can ensure my cyber security. In addition to that, I can also ensure that my business is well protected and the cyber criminals are not capable of causing any threat to my business. Therefore I can also protect the business infrastructures from the virtual attacks. This experience has been valuable for me as it can protect my individual and business security in future. Cyber security is mostly the protection of major intellectual property of any business or individual that is in digital form. While researching for two previous assignments, I had identified the possible challenges that can emerge within the business for using excessive technology. Therefore the businesses are now using several means for protecting their digital intellectual properties. I had also recognized the potential challenges that can affect the businesses such as the increased numbers of users of the technology, availability of the technology and the increasing popularity of the internet amongst the general population. My experience regarding these challenges has helped me to chalk out the possible ways I can protect my business from any kind of cyber crime. Through my experience, I have identified few methods which may help me in keeping the cyber terrorists away from the business affairs. It is very important for the businesses to keep the entire operating system updated so that the experts can find out whether there is any chance of cyber attacks. Therefore keeping the entire system modified will always help my business to be encrypted. It is also necessary to encrypt the system software and the wireless networks updated for protecting the business. Therefore the data can be controlled and the hackers will not get to the storage clouds easily. While researching for the assignment, I have read various books, blogs and journals regarding this topic. One major thing that I identified that the cyber security is a complicated matter as the attacks on digital properties can create a huge damage in the air traffic and financial matters which is almost similar to the terrorist attacks on any physical space. Therefore the challenges for protecting the cyber security of any space are a multi-layered domain. The experts in the system should always be on their toes to find out whether there is any loophole for the cyber crime. There have been several researches on an international level and several countries are fighting against cyber crime. However the random usage of mobile phone and internet has made cyber crime tracking more difficult. Social media plays a great part within the challenges of cyber crime as faking the advertisements also enhance the further challenges in cyber crime. Several researchers have indicated that the nati onal security should also be well-protected as it is involved with different responsibilities and roles with the concerned stakeholders. Therefore there should be an entrusted relationship between the government of the country and the companies, so that a well-encrypted cyber security management can be established. Business research is very much important in the research learning procedure as it determines various things about finding potential cures for the issues that can possibly happen in the contemporary business world. The business researches tend to define the business objectives as before initiating any business; the entrepreneurs have a major responsibility of defining business. Therefore they should have a detailed research procedure to find out the existing competitors within the industry. This can be very much helpful for the research learning process. The business researches also help the students learn how to collect necessary data from the market, both primary and secondary. The students can learn collecting data and analyzing them for further times. This is another major thing to learn as this will help the students to understand the determination of product quality, price, service and value in the market. I have conducted the previous activities with the aim of identifying the potential challenges of cyber security within the contemporary business activities. Cyber security is a major issue for the businesses as it can affect their entire operations. The project has also been done for recognizing the factors and causes that enhances the risks of cyber security within the business channels. This particular topic is quote critical as it comes with different kinds of causes and challenges that can be discussed further. The project has also been conducted as cyber security requires becoming stronger as the numbers of hackers are increasing gradually, however the companies should have an encrypted system so that the hackers cannot get into the storage system easily. However, if the organizations are not adequately aware about the adverse situations, they can take effective steps to prevent their data to be corrupted by the cyber criminals. I had conducted these two activities as these hack ers do not only attack the company properties, but also the individual properties. In addition to that, it can also impact my own business as well. I had gathered sufficient knowledge for making my business encrypted from the cyber attackers as well. The learning from these two past assignments has made me gather knowledge regarding the cyber security and how the cyber crime can affect the business activities to a great extent. My learning has taught me that the system software should always be updated so that the system experts can easily find out the loopholes. The browsers should always be updated as the companies can use proper filtration for controlling the company data accessing. I have also learned that in a company, there should be proper usage of strict policies regarding the passwords. In addition to that, all the folders, drives and files should be encrypted. Restricting the data usage for some people would always help the company to restrict the software and the administrative rights so that the computers of the organization are free from any unauthorized installation. In future I can take help from such learning and ensure that in my organization, the authority provides access to few restricted sites and use proper i nternet filters so that the hackers and employees are prevented from any kind of unnecessary data to upload in the restricted storage clouds. I have also identified that the company should hire professionals who can deal with any kind of security issue or any scammers bulge in the business network.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
TTH Essays - The Tell-Tale Heart, Vulture, Vulture Eye, Eighth Night
The main conflict in "The Tell-Tale Heart" is within the narrator himself. Throughout the first half of the story his is torn because he has nothing against the old man, especially at night when his eyes are closed. His problem lies with the old man's pale blue vulture eye. So for a week, as he watched the man sleep he could not bear to kill him, because the eye was closed. This is the main conflict, which is why it is easy for him to kill the old man on the eighth night since his eye is open. In the second half of the story, the conflict turns to the narrator's inner thoughts while the police are there. In the beginning of their meeting, he is confident and proud of the meticulous work he had done in killing the old man and disposing of all evidence. But, guilt slowly builds up within him as he hears the beating of the dead man's heart from under the floorboards. His confidence is fleeting fast as he is sure that the police too can hear this phantom beating. He turns from a calm, confident and proud man into a paranoid lunatic, thus revealing his deed to the police.
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